Tuesday, April 17, 2012

As you may well know, I live in Florida. Some of you reside in Russia, Germany, and Malaysia (and I appreciate your interest) but, I would like to talk to my Floridians on this one. BUT (before you touch that mouse) take this message to your heart. Hold your elected officials accountable for the choices that they make.

Rick Scott
Office of Governor Rick Scott
State of Florida
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
(850) 488-7146

Dean Cannon
(House of Rep. Speaker)
The Honorable Dean Cannon, Speaker
Florida House of Representatives
420 The Capitol
402 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300
(850) 921-7747 (general inquiries)

Every representative of the Florida House and their contact information and recently sponsored bills can be found at: http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/sections/representatives/representatives.aspx.

Why am I giving you this information? Because I have a request. I beg of you, please be a nuisance to these people. As “geniusofdispair” on Eye on Miami (http://www.eyeonmiami.blogspot.com) said it- “if every politician down here got 1,000 emails about more funding for solar power research, we would have more action there. If not, there would be 1,000 kids getting a taste of what it is like to be ignored by those who should be beholden to their voters (and their families), a very good lesson to learn early.

How poetic!

Do you remember that bill that was nearly passed about teacher’s tenure and evaluations before Rick Scott vetoed it in 2011? It seemed like every student, teacher, and parent was going to march up to Tallahassee and throw some furniture around in the governor’s office. Letters were sent, phone calls were made, protests occurred and Rick Scott vetoed it even though it hurt his political career as a Republican. Some say that he kissed any chance of a Republican presidential nomination goodbye with that signature.

Why can’t the same happen with bills that have to do with the environment?

This brings me to a sad announcement. Rest in peace “Ban of Exploration, Drilling, Extraction, and Production of Oil in Florida Territorial Seas”. As of March 9th, the Energy and Utilities Subcommittee of the House of Representatives of Florida decided that oil drilling in the 12 nautical mile band of water around us was a-okay and murdered HJR 23 with a stamp greased with oil.

I have two tasks for today but, they are sort of the same. You must absolutely do #23. I hope though that you also do #24 because it is important.

#23 Hold your elected officials accountable. Sometimes telling them what you want is the best way to get something done. It is so important to vote for someone that shares your values but, also make sure that they don’t forget their values when they get to office.

#24 Call, mail, email, fax, or visit a representative and demand that HJR 23 be brought back to life  or any other request for a bill that deals with the environmental issues that elected officials turn a blind eye to. Feel free to write a comment with one suggestion for an important environmental bill.

I am new to the blogging world (this will be my 19th post) but, I hope that this will spark enough interest to get something accomplished.

5 days until Earth Day.

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